A Story of “Baby Thing”


From Ernest Holmes – Science of Mind Text – “… there is that Eternal Voice forever whispering within our ear, that thing which causes the eternal quest, that thing which forever sings and sings.”

A couple of facts about starlings: “Starlings are known for their beautiful iridescent feathers, which can appear black, purple, green, or blue, depending on the angle of light.

Starlings are extremely vocal birds, and they have a wide variety of calls and songs. They are also able to mimic the sounds of other birds and even non-bird sounds, such as alarm clocks or car engines!”

That voice within Baby Thing touched my heart forever – reminding me we are all here to triumph and to sing our song that lifts the heart of all – without exception.

A Rescue

In my late twenties, my partner, David, and I rescued a starling that had fallen out of a tree. We nursed this precious being … that I named “Baby Thing” back to health and Baby Thing lived in our home. Baby Thing learned to speak and would often be saying words, not always discernable, but very engaging. Baby Thing loved Mario Lanza singing songs of Caruso, and when I would play Mario, he would sing his heart out and hit the high notes. It was Baby Thing’s way of making a JOYFUL noise unto the Lord.

Check Mario out with this YouTube audio – “Without A Song.”

I would share in the JOY of Baby Thing flying out of his cage and onto my shoulder when I came home. What an immense sense of LOVE that was.

On warm days, we often kept Baby Thing on a porch, with the cage closed. One day we came home to discover a cat had knocked over the cage and attacked Baby Thing. Baby Thing was still alive, and we immediately went to work with prayer and the most tender care. And yes … Baby Thing lived through that horror … never looking quite the same … yet still hitting those high notes with Mario Lanza.

The miracle of Baby Thing was the JOY he felt singing his song and expressing love, no matter what he had experienced.

Baby Thing reminds me that we all are to find our Voice and Song. That song is meant to be healing and honoring for all for the right to be. In this world now where we have the opportunity of such enlightenment, we are still in centuries old warring, hatreds, and the denial of freedom for all without exception to realize their inner song as Baby Thing so magnificently expressed. May we be in prayer for our planet to awaken to what we are here for – the quest that our songs of authenticity and love can be known for all. Thank you, Baby Thing, for your forever heart-print upon my soul.

A starling carried a universal message for all humanity – Let nothing prevent you from singing your song, from claiming what is yours to BE. Have the courage to rise from adversity and as your earth journey is complete, you will soar into Eternity.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.