The Great Potato Fall!

Potatoes Image

Yes – that’s the title of this Blog and it contains a great lesson of “Slow down, look where you’re going – and some things don’t have the importance you think they should.”  

Back in January of 2004, my eldest niece, Sherrie, was working and living with me for a time in West Hollywood. I adore all my four nieces, and it was beautiful to have that time with her. I wanted to prepare her a special dinner that night of this “fall” and had everything planned perfectly – except at the last minute and I realized I wanted baked potatoes – OMG – no potatoes and I wanted her to walk in the apartment with the heavenly smells of dinner and those baked potatoes.

I got into my car and headed immediately to the market – time was so crucial! I quickly got out of my car and rushed across the parking lot to get the potatoes in the oven. However, I tripped on a curb guard and went down with a grand splat! I thought I heard a bone crack but thought I’ll just have a bad bruise. Getting up was another stark reality – the pain was suddenly excruciating, and I was not able to pull myself up. People began to gather, and a packing boy came out to me. The first thing I tried to do was reach into my wallet to give him cash to go in and get the potatoes for me. He said in a very compassionate way – “I don’t think you’re going anywhere, an ambulance is on its way.” From that moment on – the sacred vision of my niece walking into the beautiful aromas of that dinner faded and to the hospital I went.

I was able to call my niece and let her know – hey – I took a fall – I am not at home!

The surgeon indicated that I had a broken femur, and my hip might need replacement. Fortunately, they did not need to replace the hip, but the recovery process was substantial. I required the use of a catheter temporarily until I could resume normal activities. It took over two months before I was able to return home and navigate the stairs to my apartment.

I stayed with my Beloved friend Dr. Elizabeth Marshall in Simi Valley. There were sacred moments in that healing time – the tender care from Dr. Elizabeth, prayers and love from my congregation, friends, and peers. My niece was fully supportive through this healing journey – as well as my other niece, Terrie and my great niece and nephews.

Elizabeth had a mixed breed white dog named Roscoe. Every night, Roscoe would wait by my bedroom door and accompany me to the bathroom whenever I needed to go. What pure love that was to feel and experience.

The most beautiful event was a visit from my friend Joe LaSalle, a physical trainer and amputee. He visited my church one morning in his wheelchair and offered to assist with my full recovery. My insurance would not cover ongoing therapy – Joe was my miracle worker to see me fully healed. He gave me the exercises to practice daily, and I healed fully. At 83 I still jump up and down with JOY whenever I feel that energy to express.

This “potato fall splat” highlighted health and life transitions for all splats. Slow down – look at what really matters – walking for that potato would have been such a kinder experience for my niece to come home to and step back from the sense of urgency whenever possible!

There are urgent moments – catastrophic disasters – urgent care, however, in the daily journey of life we create urgencies that do not exist. Breathe – place your hand on your heart – step back – and allow yourself to lift that stress and reclaim your inner power and strength,   

Our deeper soul work doesn’t have to take place out of splats – but from ongoing daily tender care and mindfulness. I seek to live from that Truth – and see the miracles that carried me through that great potato fall!

Image by Alexei from Pixabay

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Remember Home

Cozy Fireplace Photo

As all the Holidays and Sacred Celebration unfold – Remember Home

My reflection on Home

Not everyone has fond memories of early Home and may not have known Home at all. However – here is what I have come to know about the word Home. For me – it’s a journey my soul takes to establish Peace – which is about Transcendental Love.

Home is a feeling in my heart in which I am at Peace.

Home brings memories of laughter, of shining moments that illuminate the memories I hold dear.

Home brings about the vision of times with family, friends, peers, and great love.

There are so many memories now and I realize the blessings in my life.

Home is a place I call sanctuary. I return to it at day’s end for rest and renewal.

And yet, more than ever, I know that I take home with me wherever I go.

When I am at home within myself, others feel safe and loved.

When there is abiding inner Peace. I am at home everywhere.

And this I pray above all that I give to others a sense of home, of being safe, and valued.

Home is not about a destination.

It’s that we inspire one another through how we live.

I realize my soul is my eternal home.

To all that have enriched my soul and have given me such sacred memories,

May this reflection find you “at home.”



Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

A Prayer for Awakening!

One World, One Heart

I share this as the Blog for this week and the prayer below is in the first person. I created this prose for a group we held in Ft. Lauderdale for a period of multi-faiths coming together.

The evolution of our Nation and our World is about the Remembrance – We are One.

We all have a right to belong to this One World Family, but the roots of ongoing warring, rewriting history to erase the horrors we have perpetuated as humanity because of race, color, faiths, our sexuality and roles we are told to play, have to be seen and acknowledged for healing to take place. It is heartbreaking to realize the human species is the only one that carries such revenge, unforgiveness, and hatred as our way of life.

I am choosing to clear the warring within me, to be accountable for misperceptions or behavior in my own life that may have wounded another. The compassionate listening bridges we must build together are essential to the healings needing to take place between all. I choose to encourage Awakening – not Warring and stand for the beauty of authenticity within all of us as the Spiritual Beings we are here to be in this human form.

A Prayer

Beloved Presence ….
Eternal Spirit, Creator of all,
I hold a sacred call …
The Call to Love.
May I Awaken!
I am a part of One World Family.
Let my Light shine through me today,
revealing the path and the way,
that I might listen to others,
building bridges, not walls.
Let my words be healing balm,
with compassion, and care for everyone.
One World Family,
The same stardust brought us into being.
May I embrace the divinity we all share,
and know the power of forgiveness for me,
and for all humanity.
Let the inner work I do create a sense of Peace,
Whereby I make heart prints upon all I touch.
Let me rise to tell a simple story …
I am here for one great cause ….
The call to Love – One World Family.
May I Awaken!

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Better or Bitter?

I Rise - Charles Geddes

Be aware of your 2 choices in life – better with gratitude or bitter with complaints.

This Principle is the ultimate key to all the others. Better shines through Gratitude and bitter shows through resentments and unforgiveness. Bitter is a poison to my body. Key remembrance – Be in Gratitude – Pre-Pray your way every day. My ancestors are in Truth heralding me on for my soul evolution. The inquiry: What stories am I carrying forward for world healing?

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”
– Nelson Mandela

I have changed the word “bitter shows through “complaints” as the principle originally stated, to resentments and unforgiveness. Those two factors do keep us bound to past pain that blocks our personal freedom and well-being.

No matter what we face at any age – it’s how we choose to rise from our experiences that define our character and what we carry forward!

I believe with every decade of our lives – we live lifetimes. When I view my life from decades – from birth to 10 – 10 to 20 – 20 to 30, and ongoing, my life had quantum changes – dark nights and extraordinary joy, grief and profound love, disappointments and loss and coming to value my growth as the observer and not the judge!

I have done deep work through my years of study and ministry. I honor that have touched lives. I have also carried deep grief, anger and pain that remained in my tissues – literally! (See Angel Howard’s book – Issues in the Tissues – available now.)

The decision to do deeper personal therapy in my 80’s has brought that to the forefront of my awareness.

Though every session of my current therapy is not an intense one, I have experienced profound breakthroughs in releasing resentments, judgments and unforgiveness within myself that I did not know were as deep as they were.

I see Charles in his 80’s more compassionately and I am observing the judgments I made that I see with new clarity and healing insight – about myself and others.

I send forth my prayers for forgiveness to all that I have hurt or injured not only in this lifetime, but through all my soul’s journey. Where I can make amends in this lifetime, I do. Most importantly of all I can genuinely see I made decisions based on what I believed at the time. My beliefs have evolved and changed! Love and forgiveness of myself has been the liberating factor,

I do know depression and a sense of hopelessness – (my suicide attempt in my 20’s) and being in a psyche ward. I do know grief and sadness and an overwhelming sense of loss. (My AIDS support work with the group Together to Grow in the late 80’s – mid 90’s). I do know great disappointments throughout my life, and I also honor how I have risen – no matter what it may have required. My angel guides conveying to me – “Charles, breathe through this time, we have your back and are preparing the way forward for you – we are always with you!”

My capacity to love Charles now is authentic, for I no longer have the need to prove myself. I simply want to share what is in my heart to be and give. My capacity of forgiveness – deeper than ever because I want to cross over into my eternity with a sense of no judgment against anyone or anything in my past.

Two choices – yes, it’s that simple – better or bitter. I choose to look in the mirror and be able to exclaim – Charles, you are getting better!

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Self-Forgiveness – FIRST!

Forgive Yourself Image

Week three of continuing to revisit the 5 Key Principles.

Two key factors regarding forgiveness – the forgiveness of ourselves and of others.

My freedom is remembering that no person, no event, no place, or thing can block the light that I am. My healing is to live from that premise.

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”  – Mark Twain

Please Note:  I am changing the above on our website to reflect the first and most important reality of forgiveness – the forgiveness of self!

Four years ago, those Principles were out of an inquiry within my soul – What were the most important practices I have learned for my own healing and well-being? They are not new – but Universal – and are a way of life for me.

In these most recent years, I have realized the deep unforgiveness I carried within myself and created judgments that I unconsciously placed upon others. Through my recent personal therapy, I have been able to see the pain I carried within my body issues. See the website and book by Angel Howard – who was a keynote at our closing Big Sky Retreat this year.  She is amazing, and I look forward to having her on Mind Your Own Becoming Zoom Programming.

I want to be the observer of this life journey – not the judge and executioner of myself or others. I want to honor the distance I have travelled and see my life in new light, care, and regard. I choose to observe and be accountable for areas I need to own regarding my past and others.

I will add to that, I have taken account of the cruel and self-condemning thoughts I have held against myself through the years that created dark nights and harmful and addictive behavior!

I believe in my 80’s I gained more insight than all my 55 years of ministry combined.

Forgiving is not condoning a generational history of abuse, and the ongoing violence within humanity we see, however, I know the self-condemning  within me and the unforgiveness within my own soul contributes to the world consciousness daily. I choose to love this man Charles as profoundly as I have sought to convey love to others. I choose to convey personal amends wherever I can where hurt has been from my false judgments or behavior.

I want to stand on the Healing Bridge – for myself and all – and live from an inner Peace within my soul that I carry forward daily, without exception for all.

If I am still breathing in this realm my forgiveness is ongoing, I am grateful that I have come to realize doing the healing and forgiving within myself is the most vital of all.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

A Farewell Celebration of JOY

Big Sky Retreat 2024

The Big Sky Retreat – Aug 31 to Sept 4, 2024

I wrote the prose below to Honor this amazing accomplishment of having achieved the record number of years of an ongoing metaphysical retreat! I had the privilege of being with it from its beginnings. For me – it was my spiritual anchor – reminding me of my personal freedom to discover my own authenticity and encourage all to do the same.

“A Journey to Love” was our Theme.

It is Remembrance that is the key,
Angels go before us to prepare the way.
That we open to our destiny.
The Power of Love to see.
It’s the quest to sing our song,
That we all belong.
We are born into forgetting,
And believe life is about getting,
When Life is about Being
That we are here to shed our Light.
And open to inner sight,
There are no others – just all.
Seeking Remembrance of the “Call”
It’s a journey to Love that we may rise.
And come to realize.
That sacred quest we all share,
That we all matter and are here to care,
That as Mother Nature proclaims – Be!
Sing your song that all may be free!
Remembering – That journey to Love is our Destiny.

Our keynote speakers – Dr. James Mellon – our Music Artistry by Robin Hackett, workshops by Angel Howard and Paul Hasselbeck, power talks by Rev. Liz Luoma, Rev. Jen Dickey and Rev. Dr. Liza Marques were all WOWS!

There were 25 new attendees, 50 returnees – all know it was our last retreat and all arriving in such JOY to celebrate our history – the moment – and honoring 48 years of touching lives was a phenomenal achievement.

Rev. Dr. James Mellon made a wonderful observance that tough our theme “A Journey to Love,” he put forth to consider it “A Journey as Love.” This retreat has been an ongoing journey of 48 years to ever deepening love, because its origin was rooted as LOVE to begin with.

May we all be mindful, more than ever, we are here to evolve and build bridges, not walls that we learn from one another for the salvation of all humanity. Check out the pictures on the Big Sky Retreat Facebook page.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Joy – Accepting the Light and Dark Creates the Authentic You!

Man walking into light tunnel

“Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries.” ― Carl Gustav Jung

Perfection exists – it is our origin. Transcendence and healing, however, only come through the vulnerability to integrate the experiences of this earth journey – the darkness, grief, joy, and triumph. It’s the inner work we do that evolves our soul and benefits all to the reality of Love and Wholeness.

I have recently come to realize the intense shame, guilt, and depth of the feelings of unforgiveness of myself I have held onto.

I have also been able to realize the intense anger within me by reacting to a key word “disappointment.”  I had no idea the deeper pain it revealed. What I took in was that I had disappointed them – and that had nothing to do with what they meant. I recognized in that moment; it was time to do deeper soul and healing work on myself. I have been in the study and practice of – what I now choose to call sacred life force within us all.

“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.”              
– Aristotle

“An unexamined life is not worth living.”
– Socrates

“Our greatest ability is not in ever failing, but in rising every time you fall.”
– Confucius

From the scam I experienced a year ago and losing a significant amount of money, the impact of the shame, guilt, and feeling I had that I had done something horribly wrong and how stupid I felt has remained. And then the triggers in the past two months of that key word and how I heard it – not what was meant. Being disappointed by someone in something I did throwing me back to “shame on you” and childhood memories of living with a sense of shame for existing as I came into adulthood.

The anger and rage I felt was my own self-loathing – still buried and unresolved.

The revelations through these past 3 years in Montana have been profound:

  1. For the first time in my life, I have not felt driven – regarding taking care of family, friends, church, and others.
  2. With the long winters in MT – there’s nowhere to go but inside – homewise and within oneself.
  3. My remembering – I have come here to do the deeper work on Charles.

I am grateful I have my writing blogs through Mind Your Own Becoming website.

It is a time to put myself first to honor the healing I am here for.

I am here to open to unconditional love for myself and the forgiveness work required for that. I remind all the Joy that emerges when you choose to go deeper and the revelations that occur when you honor – you matter and always have.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Panda – Forever Joy!

Panda, a Terrier/Poodle, pure energy, pure joy, pure unconditional love. Panda was with me until I left Arizona. My mom had moved to Denver, Colorado and was residing in a senior retirement apartment community.

Panda and I bonded deeply. I have never been as aware of how profoundly my dogs impacted my life as I am in my soulful remembrance of them through writing.

Panda had amazing exuberance and excitement whenever I came home. In fact, even when I would go out to empty the trash and return. Panda would be so excited she would jump up and down as though to jump into my arms.

She was a gift of life and happiness to all. Panda was a lap dog and we had sacred moments of love and communion time together. Like all dogs, chasing a ball was prime time play and we had our ball games and toy throwing moments. Panda was in my life to give me unconditional love. I was in deep judgment of feeling I was failing in my ministry. Panda was always there to evidence her joy in my being.

I do believe the angel kingdom brings us our pets. They are to serve a soul purpose for us and to teach us that tender care and regard for them and ourselves is what they are in our lives for.

Panda did have a soul playmate – just as Light and Sebastian were soul linked – so were a shiatsu dog named Chink. Chink was another niece’s dog – (I have 4 nieces). Chink was smaller than Panda but the two of them bonded in playful love and would chase each other around the house until they dropped from exhaustion.

Eternal Love

I never realized how deeply Panda loved me until I left my church in Arizona after 11 years of service. I was returning to California to spend what I thought would be a couple of weeks with a beloved soul sister, Dr. Elizabeth Marshall, and her family, till I found a new life and purpose. I had depleted all I had to give in my years of service, being there for my family, the church and congregation demands, and I had nothing left to give.

I left Panda with my sister and her husband. The adopted family I stepped into had a full house and it turned out I became a male nanny for six children. I returned to Arizona not long after I left for a brief visit. Panda went wild and was thrilled to see me. My heart ached in leaving her behind, but again – circumstances were such I could not bring her back with me. As I was about to return to California, she jumped in the back seat of the car and wouldn’t leave. It took four of us to get her out. That was heart-breaking and the regret I feel for leaving her remains.

I knew I would never have another dog where that would be a reality. That held true. I was 42 when I left Arizona and 40 years later, I wound up with joint custody of a dog named Gus.

Gus is the dog that has entered my life to let me know all my dogs have forgiven me and that I will see them again in Eternity.

Our pets cherish us and do have eternal love for giving them care and love. There’s no measure to the immensity of that love as I am so deeply remembering.

Take a deep breath – in remembrance of your pets – they will feel it wherever they are in Eternity.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

AI image generated by Copilot.

Tucsonia – A Royal Soul

Akita Image by maxxxiss from Pixabay

The next two dogs in my life I had to release to new homes because of events and circumstances. I still feel the incredible sadness in my heart for doing that.

Tucsonia came into my life just before I left California to begin my ministry. She was an Akita. “The Akita is a muscular, double-coated dog of ancient Japanese lineage famous for their dignity, courage, and loyalty. In their native land, they’re venerated as family protectors and symbols of good health, happiness, and long life.”

A beloved friend, Evelyn, knew of our collie, Light, disappearing before I was to leave for Tucson and my serving my first church as Minister. She called me to say that there were soon to be new Akita puppies being born and she wanted to gift me one. This was mid-summer, and I was due to leave in the fall for Tucson. After the initial pre-care required, I came to pick up my new companion. Akitas are highly intelligent and are extraordinarily playful. When Tucsonia would stand on her hind legs she looked like a bear cub.

Tucsonia – On Guard!

Tucsonia was sensitive to noise and would bark as a warning immediately at any sound that disturbed her. Early on in my move to Tucson, my mom, Esther, came to live with me. I had gone out one night and when I returned home, I heard Tucsonia barking. I went into the house and Tucsonia was at my mom’s bedroom door, barking and not moving from the door.

My mom had dropped something and that frightened Tucsonia and she would not let her out of the bedroom. It was frightening for my mom, but for Tucsonia she was on guard.

All my family in California moved to Tucson to be with me. My nieces got married there and soon there were great nieces and nephews in the picture.

My eldest niece had a St. Bernard named Sebastian. Tucsonia and Sebastian became best friends. We shared the same home space for a period. There were a couple of times the dogs got out of the yard, and it was a loving soul who found Tucsonia and called us and let us know, but dear Sebastian wound up in the pound and we had to go pick him up from there.

Tucsonia loved to get down on her front paws, rear and tail in the air, and that was her cue – let’s play. When my niece went out to empty trash, Tucsonia would often hide in the bushes and when she would jump out at her and chase her, and this was most assuredly a statement of “Let’s Play.”

Tucsonia always slept beside me and had her own mattress. This was a deep connection.

One thing that was extremely hard on both dogs – the extreme heat in the summertime and the ticks that would appear. Both dogs suffered in those months – even as much as we kept them indoors.

Letting Go

My niece, her husband, and two children decided to go to Colorado. We had to vacate the house we had. Moving to Colorado would offer a new life for them and the climate would be healthier for our dogs, Tucsonia and Sebastian.

My niece’s marriage was failing, and immense responsibilities were on her shoulders. In Colorado she had to find new homes for both Tucsonia and Sebastian. She did meet the new owner of Tucsonia and felt great that he lived in the mountains and took Tucsonia on walks. She did not meet Sebastian’s new owner.

The grief of releasing Tucsonia and Sebastian remains with both my niece and me. Tucsonia’s gift was the depth of her awareness and love and feeling at night, lying beside her, that she had understood me and had come to me from the angels after my dog Light decided to stay in California. See Blog on Light.

Releasing pets when circumstances seem overwhelming is extremely painful. There is one more incredible dog being that came into my life in Tucson – a Terrier/Poodle named Panda. That story to follow.

The journey of self-forgiveness for the life circumstances that I felt required letting go of beloved pets remains. My healing remembrance – I know I have their forgiveness.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Image by maxxxiss from Pixabay

A Story of “Baby Thing”


From Ernest Holmes – Science of Mind Text – “… there is that Eternal Voice forever whispering within our ear, that thing which causes the eternal quest, that thing which forever sings and sings.”

A couple of facts about starlings: “Starlings are known for their beautiful iridescent feathers, which can appear black, purple, green, or blue, depending on the angle of light.

Starlings are extremely vocal birds, and they have a wide variety of calls and songs. They are also able to mimic the sounds of other birds and even non-bird sounds, such as alarm clocks or car engines!”

That voice within Baby Thing touched my heart forever – reminding me we are all here to triumph and to sing our song that lifts the heart of all – without exception.

A Rescue

In my late twenties, my partner, David, and I rescued a starling that had fallen out of a tree. We nursed this precious being … that I named “Baby Thing” back to health and Baby Thing lived in our home. Baby Thing learned to speak and would often be saying words, not always discernable, but very engaging. Baby Thing loved Mario Lanza singing songs of Caruso, and when I would play Mario, he would sing his heart out and hit the high notes. It was Baby Thing’s way of making a JOYFUL noise unto the Lord.

Check Mario out with this YouTube audio – “Without A Song.”

I would share in the JOY of Baby Thing flying out of his cage and onto my shoulder when I came home. What an immense sense of LOVE that was.

On warm days, we often kept Baby Thing on a porch, with the cage closed. One day we came home to discover a cat had knocked over the cage and attacked Baby Thing. Baby Thing was still alive, and we immediately went to work with prayer and the most tender care. And yes … Baby Thing lived through that horror … never looking quite the same … yet still hitting those high notes with Mario Lanza.

The miracle of Baby Thing was the JOY he felt singing his song and expressing love, no matter what he had experienced.

Baby Thing reminds me that we all are to find our Voice and Song. That song is meant to be healing and honoring for all for the right to be. In this world now where we have the opportunity of such enlightenment, we are still in centuries old warring, hatreds, and the denial of freedom for all without exception to realize their inner song as Baby Thing so magnificently expressed. May we be in prayer for our planet to awaken to what we are here for – the quest that our songs of authenticity and love can be known for all. Thank you, Baby Thing, for your forever heart-print upon my soul.

A starling carried a universal message for all humanity – Let nothing prevent you from singing your song, from claiming what is yours to BE. Have the courage to rise from adversity and as your earth journey is complete, you will soar into Eternity.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

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