The Core of Silent Agreements

One by one we can build healing bridges, from heart to heart, so that future generations stand for enlightenment, and we no longer validate and support silence that smothers the human spirit.

Here is my definition of Silent Agreements.

“Silent Agreements are anything that have deeply wounded and blocked the true expression of the human soul and that perpetuate abuse and untruths generationally.

Every culture, nation, race, religion, family, and individual have accountability for what we carry forward. Abuse begets abuse until someone says “enough.”

The Seeds of All Disease

Silent agreements are anything but silent in their impact upon our body, and emotions. They block our capacity for intimacy and healthy relationships. They envelope us in the emotional quicksand of doubt, judgment, and fear.

Disease may appear to be about the physical., however, let the trauma of pain, abuse, and wounds remain long enough they become the seeds of all disease. “Silent Agreements” release poison and toxin into the human psyche.

There are tools in which to “build the healing bridges” where we are no longer bound by our fears. We can learn to step out of the ignorance we have condoned. Silence and time do not heal wounds … it seals them, until we are willing to face them.

Silence Maintains the Walking Wounded

We are only the walking wounded in our silence. Confronting, and dealing with our past enables us to be the Victor of the journey, not the victim. Being a victim is a moment … it’s not meant to be a lifetime practice. Being the Victor is our soul’s intent. Our heroes and heroines are the ones who have shown us the way to rise and be the Victorious Spirit no matter what they have had to move through. They have not been silent.

The pattern of silence in abuse becomes the “norm” and accepted way of living with it, and the abuse and silence continue. As children we are innocent of our feelings and thoughts. Our early beliefs, religious exposure, societies, and cultures can bring us into the acceptance of conformity and pre-defined roles. We are not to question the validity of our true feelings and expression.

I Am Born into Pre-Packed Roles

The human soul is not “pre-packaged” and pre-defined. We are artists … here to explore, discover, create, and realize we are all connected. We have evolved (somewhat) from our primal roots of mere survival. In the process we have sought to define our reason for being.

The human soul is unique and complex. Every newborn is a fresh start on humanity, on purpose, and compassion. Our early years and the impact of the collective world consciousness create how we see ourselves.

My generation believed in Silence regarding abuse. Though we had the illusion of all humanity existing as family, the reality was there are always “others” those with great privilege – those not, those that are “saved” in the right faith, and those doomed to hell. Abuse and violence are the “norm” for humanity – accept it!

We are now in a world that is breaking the molds of Silence and roles that are pre-defined. There are no “others” just all of us seeking what it is to have the right to authentically “Be.” Rooted in that Being – Love and Compassion for all without exception. Violence and abuse do not have to be the world we inherit. That’s a quantum leap of redefining our humanity and not warring with one another. Stand for enlightenment and the right to discover – we are all ONE and we all matter.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Stand For Enlightenment

Accountability and Forgiveness

“True forgiveness deals with the past, all the past, to make the future possible. We cannot go on nursing grudges even vicariously for those who cannot speak for themselves any longer. We have to accept that we do what we do for generations past, present and yet to come. That is what makes a community a community or a people a people – for better or for worse.”
Desmond Mpilo Tutu.

I Am Accountable to Future Generations

I am accountable for what I pass on and how deeply I have come to insight into my own life in forgiving and seeking healing wherever I could. I know my ancestors are cheering me on to see things differently and to own my accountability to the present moment and to future generations.

I have sought to make amends where I recognized the pain that I caused in judgments I see very differently at this time of my life. I also realize my excessive drinking was the root of the darkest moments of my life, as I sought to escape the judgement and condemnation, I held against myself.

Make the Soulful Inquiries

We are living in an illumined time that is requiring we see ourselves profoundly differently. No one has privilege or entitlement above another. There are no others – just us – finding our way to evolve humanity – or not.

We are also in a time that seeing things with accountability individually and collectively means we are open to truthful history and realizing what equity means for all – opportunity without exception. What we do with that equity is everyone’s personal soul journey.

The soulful inquiries I make are not about being the judge and executioner of my own life – rather – the compassionate observer bringing recognition of seeing things in new awareness – forgiving and living from a higher perspective of myself and others.

One simply ongoing inquiry – “What’s mine to be and bring to this day that impacts all with a sense of personal value and respect – above all myself.”

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.


Forgiveness is ongoing and has to do with the charge we hold on to past events and how they continue to impact us. There has been generational abuse in my family. I have been gay bashed twice. I came to realize those attacks were rooted in the condemnation and darkness I felt regarding my sexual identity, which requires a separate blog. I have also experienced feeling betrayed and the depth of pain, sadness and anger that emerged from that.

What Forgiveness is Not

Forgiveness is not about finding our way to accept or condone abuse and the inhumanity we behold every day. However, it is about finding empowerment through this life journey and transmuting our pain into action that liberates us and plants the seeds for healing on multiple levels. The work I do on myself can add to the healing worldwide and bring about shifts in how we see one another for a more compassionate world for all.

It is integral to my soul that I have done my best for personal forgiveness on my part wherever I have created wounds and pain upon another. I quote from the 8th and 9th steps of AA.

  • Step 8: Made a list of all the persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them.
  • Step 9: Made direct amends to such people wherever possible except when doing so would injure them or others.

The Most Essential Step in Forgiveness

The most essential step in forgiving is self-forgiveness. Until I realized the depth of my own self condemnation, I continued cycles of darkness that perpetuated my pain and blocked my self-regard and value. We are all born in pure innocence and worthy of love without exception. Our capacity to realize we all have value – without exception – begins with ourselves.

I look forward to the ongoing content to what I offer on Forgiveness. If I am still breathing in this realm, I have forgiveness work to do.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.