The Great Potato Fall!

Potatoes Image

Yes – that’s the title of this Blog and it contains a great lesson of “Slow down, look where you’re going – and some things don’t have the importance you think they should.”  

Back in January of 2004, my eldest niece, Sherrie, was working and living with me for a time in West Hollywood. I adore all my four nieces, and it was beautiful to have that time with her. I wanted to prepare her a special dinner that night of this “fall” and had everything planned perfectly – except at the last minute and I realized I wanted baked potatoes – OMG – no potatoes and I wanted her to walk in the apartment with the heavenly smells of dinner and those baked potatoes.

I got into my car and headed immediately to the market – time was so crucial! I quickly got out of my car and rushed across the parking lot to get the potatoes in the oven. However, I tripped on a curb guard and went down with a grand splat! I thought I heard a bone crack but thought I’ll just have a bad bruise. Getting up was another stark reality – the pain was suddenly excruciating, and I was not able to pull myself up. People began to gather, and a packing boy came out to me. The first thing I tried to do was reach into my wallet to give him cash to go in and get the potatoes for me. He said in a very compassionate way – “I don’t think you’re going anywhere, an ambulance is on its way.” From that moment on – the sacred vision of my niece walking into the beautiful aromas of that dinner faded and to the hospital I went.

I was able to call my niece and let her know – hey – I took a fall – I am not at home!

The surgeon indicated that I had a broken femur, and my hip might need replacement. Fortunately, they did not need to replace the hip, but the recovery process was substantial. I required the use of a catheter temporarily until I could resume normal activities. It took over two months before I was able to return home and navigate the stairs to my apartment.

I stayed with my Beloved friend Dr. Elizabeth Marshall in Simi Valley. There were sacred moments in that healing time – the tender care from Dr. Elizabeth, prayers and love from my congregation, friends, and peers. My niece was fully supportive through this healing journey – as well as my other niece, Terrie and my great niece and nephews.

Elizabeth had a mixed breed white dog named Roscoe. Every night, Roscoe would wait by my bedroom door and accompany me to the bathroom whenever I needed to go. What pure love that was to feel and experience.

The most beautiful event was a visit from my friend Joe LaSalle, a physical trainer and amputee. He visited my church one morning in his wheelchair and offered to assist with my full recovery. My insurance would not cover ongoing therapy – Joe was my miracle worker to see me fully healed. He gave me the exercises to practice daily, and I healed fully. At 83 I still jump up and down with JOY whenever I feel that energy to express.

This “potato fall splat” highlighted health and life transitions for all splats. Slow down – look at what really matters – walking for that potato would have been such a kinder experience for my niece to come home to and step back from the sense of urgency whenever possible!

There are urgent moments – catastrophic disasters – urgent care, however, in the daily journey of life we create urgencies that do not exist. Breathe – place your hand on your heart – step back – and allow yourself to lift that stress and reclaim your inner power and strength,   

Our deeper soul work doesn’t have to take place out of splats – but from ongoing daily tender care and mindfulness. I seek to live from that Truth – and see the miracles that carried me through that great potato fall!

Image by Alexei from Pixabay

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.


Awakening image

I am offering a brief prose with the focus on our Awakening – individually and collectively and the importance of the energy vibration we bring daily as we awaken and enter our day. It’s our Accountability individually and collectively for what we give to the evolution of all humanity.

Every morning let your energy be an enthused awakening with your first focus on Gratitude. Prioritize time for quietude and soulful reading and exercise.

Remember – though it may be a thimble full – the vibration you bring does contribute to the world consciousness. May I carry the charge to Awaken to what I bring with every step I take into this day and wherever I go. May those I encounter feel better because I crossed their path.

Our world is crying out to Awaken – let that be my soul and sole purpose – my own Awakening! Below is a Prayer for our Times!

May I/We Awaken!

I open my mind – that I might see.
Truth that will liberate and free,
With an open heart ready to be,
A part of a new world story
Believing we all belong
There are no “others” we are One.
Silence of the past is not the path,
Nor shame or guilt for anyone,
Nor ongoing seeds of hatred,
Rather, opening to what is sacred.

Accountability for what we carry forward.

Awakening so
Future generations behold a new dawn.
Where ongoing ignorance and prejudice is gone.
Where equity, compassion, are for all.
Building bridges not walls.
May I own my part through the seeds I plant.
That heart-to-heart I may implant.
I want for you what I want for me –
Simply, purely, the right to exist, to be free.
And discover the true meaning of liberty.
As we travel together, we all might see,
The wonder and beauty in you and me,   
In that remembrance we all have a right to be!
May I/We Awaken!

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.