A Soulful Reflection for the New Year

I am posting this under “Freedom to Be” as living from this reminder empowers you to BE!
A Soulful Reflection for the New Year
Remember … live one day at a time.
and sometimes it’s about just breathing in
the present moment a little more deeply and
being conscious of the need to “chill.”
A reminder:
When we become caught up in “urgencies”
remind yourself there is no urgency in creation …
It’s ongoing and there is a perfect sequential process to its unfolding.
Imagine if the flowers, trees, and all we beheld
in nature were in a hurry to grow. Mother Nature doesn’t rush or push.
She just nurtures the process of that growth through the seasons,
with the rising and setting sun. Take time to breathe.
The Divine Creative Process is always at work.
I am realizing in all I have experienced –
In new creations and letting go of the past,
that my strength has come from
my trust and faith to move on.
My empowerment is when I take a deep breath,
place my hand on my heart and open to
new clarity, where calm and order can take place.
No matter how cloudy or challenging the day,
I envision the sun behind the clouds. I can always access that inner strength.
and renewal that awaits my recognition.
My well-being is an inside job … and it begins with
tender, loving, care of myself … one day at a time.
I enter this New Year – committed to that TLC and passing it on with love and regard for all I come upon.
Here is a brief video with 7 Beautiful New Year Quotes: