AWARENESS – Update on a Scam


Top scams that will be targeting you in 2025…

With our theme for February being – “What’s Going On?” I realized I am coming up to the 2-year mark of a scam I fell prey to in 2023.

It was emotionally devastating and a loss of funds. I have chosen to carry a story of empowerment from it and free the intensity of the overwhelming judgment and condemnation upon myself that occurred and I carried for months.

Here is the post I shared 2 years ago on Facebook with updates to now:

Dear Facebook Friends

A significant amount of my bank funds was lost due to a scam.

I acted out of fear, believing I had caused Amazon to lose money owed to them. I thought I was dealing with a real Amazon representative, but I wasn’t.

I did what they requested of me and when I asked questions, they gave me answers I believed were true. The one individual I dealt with was courteous and won my trust completely. He even said what a beautiful man I was to be dealing with this so respectfully and with integrity. Because I had quantum trust, I refused to see all the red flags.

Although I reported the fraud to my bank too late to recover the lost funds, I managed to get through that month with the help of two cherished friends I’ve known for 30 years. Grace saw me through as it always has.

I felt stupid, naïve, humiliated, violated, and ashamed. I had to let myself feel those emotions. I can now look back with compassion and forgiveness.

I also sent prayers to all those working without conscience and taking such advantage of others that they would find their way to higher ground and love in their lives.

Last year, I underwent deeper personal therapy using the EMDR modality. I didn’t realize how much pain and guilt I still carried. I came to understand more of how I fell into the emotional quicksand of that scam. I observed the extensive scope of the fraud industry and noted that it affects people of all ages.

I continue to work on the full observance, not judgment, of my life and give myself credit for personal growth and insight.

Mind Your Own Becoming is about transforming our experiences into personal growth, emerging as a victor where we gain new insights and self-worth.

Had I stepped back two years ago – allowed the process of keen observance not reaction out of fear, I would have had a different outcome. Had I consulted two or three of my close friends, they would have immediately advised me to stop and report it as a scam. Shame and guilt took over and I can own that now and have worked on the deeper soul work of forgiveness.

Our times require us to step back and observe not out of reaction and divisiveness but observance and inquiry – “What can I bring that contributes compassion and awareness?”  We are in a time that we must inquire “What’s Going On?” and do what we can to build bridges together of honest and open communication that can lead to new understanding and healing. I do believe in my heart that our views are not as opposite as they seem.

Respect, value, and care for all individuals are essential humanitarian goals. We have a chance for true enlightenment if we focus on building bridges, not walls.

With Love, Charles

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Our Belief in Duality is What Blocks Us from the Realization of Oneness and the Joy that Comes from that Realization.

Bird Flying in Sunset Sky

Wisdom quotes from great teachers, ancient and current:

  • “Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn’t know before you learned it.” Maya Angelou –
  • “Our sorrows and wounds are only healed when we touch them with compassion.” Buddha
  • The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” – Carl Jung
  • “We can make ourselves miserable or we can make ourselves strong. The amount of effort is the same.” – Pema Chodron
  • “The belief in duality has made us sick – and the understanding of Unity/Oneness will heal.” Ernest Holmes

We are all One in this journey together. Wholeness envelopes us – but only we can bring it into our hearts and soul as the Truth of our Being.

Thanks to a dear friend whose husband dealt with a therapy process that got to the root of the intense pain and anger he had buried; she recommended a therapeutic process called EMDR.

EMDR’s goal is to help you heal from trauma or other distressing life experiences. There are such therapists here in Helena.

As I have entered this therapy personally, I cherish that one of the great insights is that deeper healing is not about our age – it’s simply our willingness to step out of the self-inflicted pain that no longer needs to reside within us. This transcends all the fearful thoughts I may create.

I share 3 Keys to Advancing on Wholeness and the amazing Joy that unfolds.

  1. Integrating the light and dark as integral to our Being and wellness.
  2. I can’t expand without going deeper. My growth and expansion are to stretch to new awareness.
  3. Acceptance of events we cannot change, but how we can see them in a new light.

    “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” – AA

    And I am adding: “The openness to see things in new light.”

    “Grief can be the garden of compassion. If you keep your heart open through everything, your pain can become your greatest ally in your life’s search for love and wisdom.” – Rumi

“Radical Forgiveness is much more than the mere letting go of the past. It is the key to creating the life that we want, and the world that we want. It is the key to our own happiness and the key to world peace. It is no longer an option. It is our destiny.”
Colin Tipping – Founder of the Institute for Radical Forgiveness

The soul work I do on me impacts generations past – present and future. Nothing brings me greater Joy than that realization.

I close this blog with a reference to a beautiful song by Daniel Nahmod. For me it’s the realization that to genuinely Mind Your Own Becoming is first realizing what you must Unbecome.

Unbecoming – Daniel Nahmod

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Go Deeper – Do the Inner Work to Behold Joy!

underwater ocean grotto

I have maintained the inner child – where Joy resides and know that I also created a wounded child that took on the intensity of my sense of identity and value.

I took on the guilt of a struggle with my own sexual identity and feeling literally “a despicable abhorrent specimen of humanity.” That condemnation was rooted in shame that never belonged to me and was rooted in the world consciousness and fundamentalist religion. That shame led me into incredibly dark places that I have shared in my previous writings.

In my early twenties I stepped out of traditional church completely because it never made sense to me that I would enter a place of worship and come out feeling worse than I entered because of what I heard.

I had studied Eastern teachings, the works of the great Mystics, and the writings of Edgar Cayce.

When I came upon the teachings of Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes, I knew I found a place of reason and my spiritual home.

There is a song we are each are here to experience as a soul that defines our own sacred and unique being. That song can be as simple and pure as loving what you do and valuing the gifts and talents within you. When you are expressing the authenticity of your soul – Joy is very much present.

See my blog on Baby Thing – a starling who had a song to sing!

I made the decision at 26 to study for the ministry. I knew this was a soul calling, however, I was entering for all the wrong reasons. I felt that perhaps if I did enough good for others somehow, I could make up for the self-loathing and condemnation I held inside myself.

I have recently opened to go deeper into my healing journey. Healing is ongoing and it is about vulnerability and willingness to see things with new perspective. With all the deep work I have done through decades of reminding others to accept and find enduring beauty and regard within themselves, it’s only been in my recent commitment for personal professional counsel and specifically EMDR therapy that my deepest healing and insight has taken hold.

We have come far from the psychological counsel available 60+ years ago. There are greater insights that have taken place and profound healing modalities to which we can open.

I will be sharing the healing revelations that are coming through as I process them more fully. It’s so wonder-full to realize I am honoring my own self-healing more than ever. That is what Mind Your Own Becoming is all about! Honor that you are worth investing in that deeper awareness that can bring a feeling of Joy and purpose richer than you have ever known!

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Forgiveness of Self – The Heart of It All

Man on mountain. Getty Images

The third Principle of Mind Your Own Becoming: Remember – forgiveness is an ongoing journey of freedom for you. See MYOB Principle #3.

Forgiveness does not mean condoning abuse, prejudice and the beyond defining brutality in human history, however, in my own journey only the willingness to let go of the immensity of an emotional charge, the event or trauma of whatever occurred can move me forward and upward.

I referenced earlier that I created painful experiences due to the darkness of self-judgment and condemnation. My alcohol addiction only increased that self-loathing. I have had my life threatened more than once. One evening, soon after returning to California, I was the victim of an attack on a dark, stormy night and beaten by four men. I knew intuitively I should not have been out that night. My first thought, realizing they had left me in the street, was pulling myself up before a car could run over me. I thought – this is too embarrassing; I won’t leave this way. I pulled myself up and stumbled into the bar I had left. I had a broken nose, teeth missing and a face that was black and blue. My prayer has always been for those men, that they found pathways to love and were able to create beautiful lives.

A Very Current Insight

The day after that incident when I arrived home after being in the ER overnight, I looked in the mirror and was shocked. I sat down in soulful reflection and began to write. I was receiving a message from my guardian angels and though I have lost the original letter – the heart of the message was:

“Look in the mirror – take it in. See what you are not facing and remember to see yourself as we see you – with unconditional love from your origin. You are not alone – we are always with you, and we lifted you up from that street. We are always there for you.”

I have engaged in therapy for myself here in Montana through a therapeutic process called EMDR.

I came to Montana for the deepest personal healing of my life and self-forgiveness. A profound revelation has occurred from a recent session. Being a spiritual counsellor, I have always put forth to those experiencing violence, rape, and ongoing abuse – it’s not your fault! The potency of the guilt and shame we carry blocks our authentic healings and rising to new freedom.

I finally realized that for me the violent moments in my life were not my fault. I was able to say and feel it – “It wasn’t my fault.” I was a momentary victim of darkness, but I did not have to carry the unrelenting blame of myself for what happened. My immediate response of forgiving those who attacked or threatened me in the past was overdue for me. I deserve that same compassion. I’ve carried that unwarranted guilt and shaming for decades, and it was never mine to carry.

Look at your life journey and realize the importance of self-forgiveness and deep regard for your Being. How we rise to live more aware and value our heart-print upon ourselves and others is our “soul” purpose.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Image: Man on mountain. Getty Images