
I am offering a brief prose with the focus on our Awakening – individually and collectively and the importance of the energy vibration we bring daily as we awaken and enter our day. It’s our Accountability individually and collectively for what we give to the evolution of all humanity.
Every morning let your energy be an enthused awakening with your first focus on Gratitude. Prioritize time for quietude and soulful reading and exercise.
Remember – though it may be a thimble full – the vibration you bring does contribute to the world consciousness. May I carry the charge to Awaken to what I bring with every step I take into this day and wherever I go. May those I encounter feel better because I crossed their path.
Our world is crying out to Awaken – let that be my soul and sole purpose – my own Awakening! Below is a Prayer for our Times!
May I/We Awaken!
I open my mind – that I might see.
Truth that will liberate and free,
With an open heart ready to be,
A part of a new world story
Believing we all belong
There are no “others” we are One.
Silence of the past is not the path,
Nor shame or guilt for anyone,
Nor ongoing seeds of hatred,
Rather, opening to what is sacred.
Accountability for what we carry forward.
Awakening so –
Future generations behold a new dawn.
Where ongoing ignorance and prejudice is gone.
Where equity, compassion, are for all.
Building bridges not walls.
May I own my part through the seeds I plant.
That heart-to-heart I may implant.
I want for you what I want for me –
Simply, purely, the right to exist, to be free.
And discover the true meaning of liberty.
As we travel together, we all might see,
The wonder and beauty in you and me,
In that remembrance we all have a right to be!
May I/We Awaken!