The Artist Within

This blog is to honor an eternal friend named Jon. We are witnessing a return to validating prejudice that denies the wonder of our diversity, which is a quest from birth that we are here to express our unique being. I offer this affirmation to celebrate your Being whatever age you are. Beloved, Jon, your heart-print is upon me.
“I celebrate the Artist within me that has created the beauty of my authenticity!”
Jon made his transition by suicide in April of 2009 after intense struggles, emotionally, physically, and coming to terms with his own identity and self-acceptance. I had the privilege of counseling him for a period and I honor the gift of his soul that he imprinted upon me. His health deteriorated, his addictions, and his despair overwhelmed him. He was a gifted artist, and I wrote this in his honor.
The Artist Within
There is an artist within each of us.
Through pain, love, joy, loss, and gain,
The artist emerges, the soul to express.
Yet the harshness of the world can so repress,
the sacred gifts we each possess.Only when the false judgments we free
do we begin to realize and see,
The wonder that is you and me.
As in nature, there is a purpose for each to be,
a pure essence within, forever true,
an unconditioned love in which to view,
Everyone is here, as a vessel to share,
the artist within, with tender, loving care.What beauty we shall reveal,
when the artist we no longer conceal.
when we see one another purely and real,
each with unique gifts, our passion to feel,
no longer fearing how others see our living,
but singularly defined by what is ours to be giving.
The artist … opening the soul for all to know,
We are here as a species to evolve and grow.It is through the artist we find our humanity,
as each piece in a mosaic creates a work of beauty,
we each add onto the other … our artistry.
Let us express the artist within,
free of judgment and imagined sin.
Encourage the artist in one another, our gifts here to be seen,
expressing heart and soul without judgment or blame,
see the light we each bring through the soul’s eternal spring,
where condemnation has never been,
where it is only giving life to the artist within.
There is an artist within each of us, and I create the colors, the content, and the subject of my life canvas through my personal story and journey. We each bring to the canvas of humanity our personal struggles and triumphs and how we have dealt with them contributes to the world we all experience.
Each dawn I awaken to the opportunity to express my heart and soul, and the question: “What can I bring to this soul journey to add to the collective heart and consciousness of humankind?” I may not pose those questions daily; however, they are vital as to what I am creating in my life experience.
There is no magic pill for happiness. At the heart of what all the great Masters and Mystics have taught – that we are always living what we are believing about ourselves and others. May my journey contribute to the world the remembrance we all have value and make the heart-print upon others that Jon made upon me!
A note about artistry, not everyone is an artist in the usually defined sense. We are not all writers, nor do we create sculptures or art on canvas, write music or are on stage and film. The reality for all of us – our lives are a gift and we each have artistry to bring to what we do!
We live in a world that does not always encourage our authentic expression as a soul. We are told early on there are what the world wants us to be and the roles we are to play. Roles defining men/women, and religions that define who we “should be.” instead of celebrating the unique creativity within each of us and encouraging us to enjoy the adventure of self-discovery as to what is our song to sing.
Being the artist means that you have an intention to create your life in the most meaningful, expressive, and loving way you can. It’s not about great accomplishments. In fact, it may be the smallest of things. It’s all about our intention to bring purpose and meaning to our lives.