AWARENESS – Update on a Scam


Top scams that will be targeting you in 2025…

With our theme for February being – “What’s Going On?” I realized I am coming up to the 2-year mark of a scam I fell prey to in 2023.

It was emotionally devastating and a loss of funds. I have chosen to carry a story of empowerment from it and free the intensity of the overwhelming judgment and condemnation upon myself that occurred and I carried for months.

Here is the post I shared 2 years ago on Facebook with updates to now:

Dear Facebook Friends

A significant amount of my bank funds was lost due to a scam.

I acted out of fear, believing I had caused Amazon to lose money owed to them. I thought I was dealing with a real Amazon representative, but I wasn’t.

I did what they requested of me and when I asked questions, they gave me answers I believed were true. The one individual I dealt with was courteous and won my trust completely. He even said what a beautiful man I was to be dealing with this so respectfully and with integrity. Because I had quantum trust, I refused to see all the red flags.

Although I reported the fraud to my bank too late to recover the lost funds, I managed to get through that month with the help of two cherished friends I’ve known for 30 years. Grace saw me through as it always has.

I felt stupid, naïve, humiliated, violated, and ashamed. I had to let myself feel those emotions. I can now look back with compassion and forgiveness.

I also sent prayers to all those working without conscience and taking such advantage of others that they would find their way to higher ground and love in their lives.

Last year, I underwent deeper personal therapy using the EMDR modality. I didn’t realize how much pain and guilt I still carried. I came to understand more of how I fell into the emotional quicksand of that scam. I observed the extensive scope of the fraud industry and noted that it affects people of all ages.

I continue to work on the full observance, not judgment, of my life and give myself credit for personal growth and insight.

Mind Your Own Becoming is about transforming our experiences into personal growth, emerging as a victor where we gain new insights and self-worth.

Had I stepped back two years ago – allowed the process of keen observance not reaction out of fear, I would have had a different outcome. Had I consulted two or three of my close friends, they would have immediately advised me to stop and report it as a scam. Shame and guilt took over and I can own that now and have worked on the deeper soul work of forgiveness.

Our times require us to step back and observe not out of reaction and divisiveness but observance and inquiry – “What can I bring that contributes compassion and awareness?”  We are in a time that we must inquire “What’s Going On?” and do what we can to build bridges together of honest and open communication that can lead to new understanding and healing. I do believe in my heart that our views are not as opposite as they seem.

Respect, value, and care for all individuals are essential humanitarian goals. We have a chance for true enlightenment if we focus on building bridges, not walls.

With Love, Charles

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Self Value

Self Value

I am reviewing writings from years ago and I am updating them with NEW awareness.

Take in this wonderful video from Maya Angelou, The Best Advice Dr. Maya Angelou Has Ever Given—and Received:

That inner space she speaks of is our sacred charge to remember our own value and to live it fully.

All that I have written reflects the ongoing work I was doing on myself and that continues to be.

The person I must hold in the highest regard is myself, not from my ego persona but on the deepest level of my soul! My ego is about presenting myself to others for validation and approval. My soul is seeking to express the origin of my being – and bring forth the uniqueness and authenticity of why I am here!

Writing 20 years ago the following statement: “I have sought validation, approval, acceptance, and love from others. This can be discouraging and exhausting, because everyone may have their view of what I should be living,” and that statement is particularly true of being a minister.

I continued to be on the treadmill of living to please others! The stark reality I know on deeper levels – If I measure my worth by the world and material standards, there is always rejection and disappointment.

I am always living what I am believing – about myself and others! I have written great statements of insight and awareness, and it takes full commitment to clear those patterns of condemnation, denial, and self-depreciation that continue.

I am in the hour living the words I have written with deeper regard for myself from the essence of my soul.

The seeds of genuine change occur when I realize that no person, place, or thing can make me whole. However, I have had individuals, and sacred moments in nature, and events that have reflected to me the remembrance of wholeness – which is my origin.

I do have purpose and accountability in my living, above all to make those heart-prints I have experienced that have stirred the memory wholeness, and the unconditionally loving soul that I am here to be and express.

My best friend is myself, and when I look in the mirror and say, “You have made significant progress – well done,” it indicates genuine self-worth.

Isn’t it wonderful life is not about a destination – but a realization my journey is ever deepening and expanding?

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.


hands making heart shapes

On Friendships

I am placing this under the category of “Transcendental Love” because that is what enduring heart-felt friendships bring.

This summer I had the JOY of my beloved friends John Harold Moore and Revs Ali & Michael Benjamin visiting me at my abode. It rejuvenated me to be more cognizant of the depth of friendships I have in my life – and across the land.

I was thrilled to share what I have come to call – Graceland at Clancy with these dear friends and have them receive the heart-print and paw print of Gus (the dog I have joint custody of and the horse I have part-time care of called Winnie). Gus was the official host and was amazing. See my blogs under:  The Animal Kingdom – And Their Message To Us.

Though I was experiencing the sadness of this being the last Big Sky Retreat after 48 years – I saw it as a Celebration event – which it most certainly became! We achieved a record for the oldest metaphysical spiritual retreat in consecutive years.

The timing of John, Ali and Michael’s visit was Divinely timed.

I also had the blessing just before the retreat of my soul sister Dawn, and my adopted soul niece, Darnell, visiting me 2 days before the Big Sky Retreat which had been an annual event the past 3 years before we headed up to Big Sky. It was a Joy to just surrender to the peace upon this land and the blessing of their love. This is a family that adopted me over 50 years ago – and we have shared laughter, tears, grief, and wonder-filled times that only deepened through the years.

When we have endings – it’s time for going deeper for new beginnings. I have never considered myself retired – rather refired, reinspired, redefined, renewed as there’s more to come to nurture my soul and make heart-prints upon others – if I allow the Spirit, angels, and signs to guide me. My enduring friendships also enrich my soul in times of immense change and grief.

This summer on one of my morning walks with Gus – I saw a yellow butterfly come in front of me and soar forward – here are a few insights on the yellow butterfly symbolism from my online inquiry:

“Yellow butterflies symbolize positivity, hope, and transformation. Seeing one might mean good news or big, positive changes are coming your way. Spiritually, a yellow butterfly may symbolize that you’re near a spiritual awakening. It might also be a sign that your loved ones who have transitioned are thinking of you.

Yellow butterflies also represent change for the better. and that you are on a new path.

While change isn’t always easy, the butterfly’s joyful yellow wings are a reminder that you are growing into a better person … it’s a sign that your life is about to shift in the direction you’re supposed to be going in.”

I am profoundly grateful for my friendships – and how they can carry us through and lift us up. To all of you out there that have impacted my life – I am still here with enthusiasm, purpose, and new horizons before me.

I might define friendships that endure through the years as those yellow butterflies – encouraging you to rise – and honor the blessings of the distance you have travelled – the lives that have touched you and the lives you have touched. It’s wonder-full.

To all my heart-prints friends near and far – here and in other realms – I shall continue to soar because of you!

Look at Kahlil Gibran’s Prose on Friendship – in this beautiful reading by Simerjeet Singh:

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.