
Acceptance is a vital word in the soul evolution of our lives. It does not mean resignation but being aware of: Change is the constant and aligning to that change is not giving up but being open to seeing things with new perspective and purpose.
The outcome of the election 2024 was not what I wanted to see, however, it is what I must open to observe with insight. I am not viewing those with differing views as my enemies. It is unfortunate that we have become so divided into extreme views that we believe building walls are more important than bridges.
In the awakenings that are occurring within me on a deeper level than ever I realize the true enemy is within. Self-condemnation. unforgiveness, the terrorist racist, and anger/rage stored within me is a vibrational energy that I contribute to the world daily. I am choosing to clear the intensity of those unconscious beliefs stored within my body and realize Charles is worth loving and so is every other being on this planet, without exception. We are dark and light, and only by seeing ourselves in the fullness of our being do we rise to contribute authentic healing energy for all.
A brief soulful video on Acceptance:
Tara Talks: Radical Acceptance is a Prerequisite for Change
I choose to see humanity evolving – no matter what the appearance. I choose to believe that the ultimate reality is Love, and that miraculous things can emerge out of chaos. That has been true in my life journey. As I was willing to be the observer of my life and take new accountability for (not judgment of) my words, deeds, and actions, I do see things in new awareness. My sole purpose – Mind my own Becoming – do self-forgiveness and make amends wherever I can. At the root of all humanity is a quest for love, freedom to be, and the opportunity to express the gifts we can bring to one another.
Acceptance of the outcome of the election is realizing we are a house divided as a nation. I also have been in a house divided as to how I have seen myself. I can create new awareness through listening compassionately to others. It’s more important that I open to new insight than have the need to be right!
Acceptance is loving who I am with all my imperfection and celebrating building bridges that enable me to see we are all on this evolutionary journey as Spirit in human form – together!
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