Joy – Accepting the Light and Dark Creates the Authentic You!

Man walking into light tunnel

“Wholeness is not achieved by cutting off a portion of one’s being, but by integration of the contraries.” ― Carl Gustav Jung

Perfection exists – it is our origin. Transcendence and healing, however, only come through the vulnerability to integrate the experiences of this earth journey – the darkness, grief, joy, and triumph. It’s the inner work we do that evolves our soul and benefits all to the reality of Love and Wholeness.

I have recently come to realize the intense shame, guilt, and depth of the feelings of unforgiveness of myself I have held onto.

I have also been able to realize the intense anger within me by reacting to a key word “disappointment.”  I had no idea the deeper pain it revealed. What I took in was that I had disappointed them – and that had nothing to do with what they meant. I recognized in that moment; it was time to do deeper soul and healing work on myself. I have been in the study and practice of – what I now choose to call sacred life force within us all.

“You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind next to honor.”              
– Aristotle

“An unexamined life is not worth living.”
– Socrates

“Our greatest ability is not in ever failing, but in rising every time you fall.”
– Confucius

From the scam I experienced a year ago and losing a significant amount of money, the impact of the shame, guilt, and feeling I had that I had done something horribly wrong and how stupid I felt has remained. And then the triggers in the past two months of that key word and how I heard it – not what was meant. Being disappointed by someone in something I did throwing me back to “shame on you” and childhood memories of living with a sense of shame for existing as I came into adulthood.

The anger and rage I felt was my own self-loathing – still buried and unresolved.

The revelations through these past 3 years in Montana have been profound:

  1. For the first time in my life, I have not felt driven – regarding taking care of family, friends, church, and others.
  2. With the long winters in MT – there’s nowhere to go but inside – homewise and within oneself.
  3. My remembering – I have come here to do the deeper work on Charles.

I am grateful I have my writing blogs through Mind Your Own Becoming website.

It is a time to put myself first to honor the healing I am here for.

I am here to open to unconditional love for myself and the forgiveness work required for that. I remind all the Joy that emerges when you choose to go deeper and the revelations that occur when you honor – you matter and always have.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

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