What is MYOB?

Five Key Principles of “M.Y.O.B.”  Mind Your Own Becoming

 1. Free others to be where they are – not where you want them to be.

In freeing others – I free myself.   I can step out of co-dependent relationships that block my personal capacity for soul growth.  I have a more positive  impact upon my friendships, family, and upon the world community.   

“No one outside ourselves can rule us inwardly.  When we know this, we become free.”  – Buddha

 2. Be aware of what is yours to carry and what is yours to set free.

Consider deeply the stories we carry forward about ourselves and our past.  See  new and liberating views of yourself ongoing – no matter what age.  Be open to sing your song! 

“I want to sing like the birds sing, not worrying who listens or what they think.” – Rumi

3.  Remember – forgiveness is an ongoing journey of freedom for you.

Two key factors regarding forgiveness – the forgiveness of others – and of ourselves.  

My freedom is remembering that no person, no event, no place, or thing can block the light that I am.  My healing is to live from that premise.

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed  it.”  – Mark Twain

4. Never give up – but be willing to step back and align to your true passion.

Life is about the willingness to step back – let go – reassess and realign to what is yours to “Be.”   It is riding the waves of grief and loss as well as joy.  They are all my teachers.   My passion is derived from joy and sorrow and being the Victor of this adventure of life.  Essential to this Principle: I must practice non-attachment to outcomes and remain in passionate pursuit of what is in my heart to give and be!

“Sometimes you need to take one step back in order to take two steps forward.”  – Anonymous

5. Be aware of your 2 choices in life – better with gratitude or bitter with complaints.

This  Principle is the ultimate key to all the others.  Better shines through Gratitude  and bitter shows through ongoing resentments and unforgiveness. Bitter is a poison to my body. Key remembrance – Be in Gratitude – Pre-Pray your way every day.    My ancestors are in Truth heralding me on for my soul evolution.  The inquiry:   What stories am I  carrying  forward for world healing? 

“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.” – Nelson Mandela