Mind Your Own Becoming (MYOB) – A Soulful Reflection 2025 and Ongoing ACCOUNTABILITY!

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Join Us on Mind Your Own Becoming Thursdays

We are entering our 5th Year of MYOB. This journey began with the impact of 2020 COVID, and the ongoing injustice and brutality brought to our attention in ways we could not look the other way through the murder of George Floyd. Our belief in “others” – those with privilege, others not, our conscious and unconscious prejudices could not be ignored. It was time to face uncomfortable conversations together regarding our history and how we see one another. That was the beginning of Mind Your Own Becoming and countless groups across the country that began.

We have had extraordinary stories in these years, which encompassed not only black/brown abuse, but LGBTQ+, Indigenous, and touching upon violence and mental health issues. At the heart of MYOB is the essential reality – until we are willing to do the deeper soul work of accountability for what we pass on to future generations, nothing changes.

The Indigenous practices of being cognizant of what we are passing on to seven generations plus is something not evident in our American history – or in the world. We all matter in this awakening because we can only evolve together – or NOT. We create Healing bridges with a thimble full of willingness to listen to one another.

MYOB is about the invitation that we can come to know one another authentically, and compassionately through Awareness, Education, Action, and Accountability to open to new perspectives of healing and understanding.

In all I have absorbed in new awareness in these past four years of MYOB – I choose to not define myself by a pronoun although I celebrate the right we have to do so. I am stepping back from defining myself politically and choosing to be more aware of extremes on both sides. I want to see history truthfully. My personal charge is to clear my current prejudices and false judgments about myself and others, and carry forward regard, compassion, and love for all – without exception.

How I live daily impacts those around me through my care, loving, forgiving of myself and others. Humanity is capable of brutality and abuse beyond absorbing. It is also capable of the most profound beauty and magnificence we can imagine. May we plant seeds for future generations to Awaken to their innate beauty and carry forward – seven generations plus!

Do consider joining us on Thursdays on MYOB pm ET and view my weekly blogs on our website.

With Love, Charles

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Authoring Our Own Life – Our Soul Purpose in BEING!

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I am placing this in the category of “Accountability” – as this is what I am responsible for through my Words, Deeds and Actions and what I contribute to the world consciousness.

With all that is occurring on a planetary level, it is more vital than ever that we take charge of our lives by authoring new stories of healing, compassion, and regard for ourselves and one another.

I believe I must look at the terrorist thoughts and prejudices within myself that support the race consciousness of inequities, and heartbreaking visons we are seeing, not only in our country – but in a world that has yet to awaken to the messages of the great mystics that have sought to convey the reality, we are all One in this incredible diversity called humanity. 

From the New Testament and the teachings of Jesus – “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your might; this is the first commandment,  And the second is like to it, You must love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no other commandment greater than these.” Matthew 22:37 – Lamsa Translation – From the Aramaic language Jesus spoke.

My concept of “God” is not an anthropomorphic being – rather an intelligence, and unconditional love that is the innate reality of what I have come from — pure star dust. I have choice as to the pages I write and the story I carry forward.

I know the terror thoughts I have held – above all against myself, I know the seeds of prejudice that I inherited – and much of my self-loathing rooted in my own self-condemnation from those prejudices.

The greatest destructive pandemic worldwide we face is our ignorance, our prejudices, self-entitlements, and unwillingness to reach out to one another to build bridges of compassion, forgiveness, and healing,

I am in the closing chapters of my life, and am very aware of that reality, however, if I have the gift of aging, it’s about all generations working together for a new world vision. May I be ever mindful of the energy and vibration I contribute daily – every step I take and everywhere I go, May I listen to the youth of today and treasure where I am in this hour of my life – to plant seeds of healing for all, without exception and for the future.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.