I am posting this under “Freedom to Be” as living from this reminder empowers you to BE!
A Soulful Reflection for the New Year
Remember … live one day at a time. and sometimes it’s about just breathing in the present moment a little more deeply and being conscious of the need to “chill.”
A reminder:
When we become caught up in “urgencies” remind yourself there is no urgency in creation … It’s ongoing and there is a perfect sequential process to its unfolding.
Imagine if the flowers, trees, and all we beheld in nature were in a hurry to grow. Mother Nature doesn’t rush or push. She just nurtures the process of that growth through the seasons, with the rising and setting sun. Take time to breathe.
The Divine Creative Process is always at work.
I am realizing in all I have experienced – In new creations and letting go of the past, that my strength has come from my trust and faith to move on. My empowerment is when I take a deep breath, place my hand on my heart and open to new clarity, where calm and order can take place. No matter how cloudy or challenging the day, I envision the sun behind the clouds. I can always access that inner strength. and renewal that awaits my recognition.
My well-being is an inside job … and it begins with tender, loving, care of myself … one day at a time.
I enter this New Year – committed to that TLC and passing it on with love and regard for all I come upon.
Here is a brief video with 7 Beautiful New Year Quotes:
Transcendental Love is the potency within our souls that carries us through and its purpose – that we realize our might – our inner fire – our capacity to transcend adversity and rise! I believe we are all here to ignite the Artist within us through celebrating our uniqueness and developing our authenticity to touch one another.
I’m sharing quotes from Harry Belafonte – and referencing to his beautiful song “We are the wave” in this blog.
“Art in its highest form is art that serves and instructs society and human development.” “If I’ve impacted on one heart, one mind, one soul, and brought to that individual a greater truth than that individual came into a relationship with me having, then I would say that I have been successful.”
The above quote brings to my mind and heart what my 4th Year Ministerial Teacher – Dr. Earl Barnum told me before I assumed my first church – back in September of 1971. In late Spring I flew (my first plane flight) to Tucson, AZ, thinking it was just an opportunity to speak. However, that first Sunday the board asked if I would be their minister, and they were willing to wait until I was complete with my studies. Amazingly they flew me back and I spent two weeks in the summer there and prepared to arrive in the fall. This move meant letting go of my only significant other relationship I lived with and all the family I would be leaving in California – (which they in time followed me to Tucson.)
Before I left, I had a sacred conversation with Dr. Barnum expressing my concern and overwhelming fear. He said quite simply: “Charles, if you only impact one life for the better and richer – you have succeeded, and if that life is your own – all the more so!”
I have carried that within my soul through all my ministry and in recent years my personal life has been more profound and richer than ever. Harry Belafonte impacted millions. I know I have touched more than one heart – living from the pure intention of seeking to be authentically Charles. I can say with deepest clarity – the life I have touched most profoundly has been my own.
Through all the highs and lows – the words to this song proclaim – I am the wave on the journey of life and it carries me through all the storms to that higher view where I realize the might and power that we are all One in this wave – together – “We are the force, We are the fire, We are the move, Moving higher and higher!” Living from the premise – of touching one life for the richer – and above all our own – is the key whereby were all shall rise!
Song by Harry Belafonte – We are the Wave.
The sea will wash against the rock The rock stands strong; the rock is strong The sea will wash against the rock But before too long the rock is gone.
The wind will blow against the stone The stone stands strong; the stone is strong The wind will blow against the stone But before too long the stone is gone.
Patience gentlemen, we move closer every day Patience gentlemen, the stone will soon give way.
We are the wave We are the flow We are the wind And soon the rock must go We are the wave We are the flow We are the wind And soon the rock must go.
You cannot hold back the tide The tide must rise the tide must rise Its the law of earth and skies The tide will rise, the tide will rise Its as natural as day to night As day to night, day to night As natural as black and white Black and white, black and white
Patience gentlemen, the flower can grow up through the stone Patience gentlemen, it’s a truth that we have always known.
We are the wave, We are the flow We are the wind And soon the rock must go We are the force We are the fire We are the move Moving higher and higher We are the force We are the fire We are the move Moving higher and higher
We are the wave We are the flow We are the wind And soon the rock must go We are the wave We are the flow We are the wind We are the flow We are the wave We are the flow We are the wind And soon the rock must go We are the wave We are the flow
As all the Holidays and Sacred Celebration unfold – Remember Home
My reflection on Home
Not everyone has fond memories of early Home and may not have known Home at all. However – here is what I have come to know about the word Home. For me – it’s a journey my soul takes to establish Peace – which is about Transcendental Love.
Home is a feeling in my heart in which I am at Peace.
Home brings memories of laughter, of shining moments that illuminate the memories I hold dear.
Home brings about the vision of times with family, friends, peers, and great love.
There are so many memories now and I realize the blessings in my life.
Home is a place I call sanctuary. I return to it at day’s end for rest and renewal.
And yet, more than ever, I know that I take home with me wherever I go.
When I am at home within myself, others feel safe and loved.
When there is abiding inner Peace. I am at home everywhere.
And this I pray above all that I give to others a sense of home, of being safe, and valued.
Home is not about a destination.
It’s that we inspire one another through how we live.
I realize my soul is my eternal home.
To all that have enriched my soul and have given me such sacred memories,
I am placing this under the category of “Transcendental Love” because that is what enduring heart-felt friendships bring.
This summer I had the JOY of my beloved friends John Harold Moore and Revs Ali & Michael Benjamin visiting me at my abode. It rejuvenated me to be more cognizant of the depth of friendships I have in my life – and across the land.
I was thrilled to share what I have come to call – Graceland at Clancy with these dear friends and have them receive the heart-print and paw print of Gus (the dog I have joint custody of and the horse I have part-time care of called Winnie). Gus was the official host and was amazing. See my blogs under: The Animal Kingdom – And Their Message To Us.
Though I was experiencing the sadness of this being the last Big Sky Retreat after 48 years – I saw it as a Celebration event – which it most certainly became! We achieved a record for the oldest metaphysical spiritual retreat in consecutive years.
The timing of John, Ali and Michael’s visit was Divinely timed.
I also had the blessing just before the retreat of my soul sister Dawn, and my adopted soul niece, Darnell, visiting me 2 days before the Big Sky Retreat which had been an annual event the past 3 years before we headed up to Big Sky. It was a Joy to just surrender to the peace upon this land and the blessing of their love. This is a family that adopted me over 50 years ago – and we have shared laughter, tears, grief, and wonder-filled times that only deepened through the years.
When we have endings – it’s time for going deeper for new beginnings. I have never considered myself retired – rather refired, reinspired, redefined, renewed as there’s more to come to nurture my soul and make heart-prints upon others – if I allow the Spirit, angels, and signs to guide me. My enduring friendships also enrich my soul in times of immense change and grief.
This summer on one of my morning walks with Gus – I saw a yellow butterfly come in front of me and soar forward – here are a few insights on the yellow butterfly symbolism from my online inquiry:
“Yellow butterflies symbolize positivity, hope, and transformation. Seeing one might mean good news or big, positive changes are coming your way. Spiritually, a yellow butterfly may symbolize that you’re near a spiritual awakening. It might also be a sign that your loved ones who have transitioned are thinking of you.
Yellow butterflies also represent change for the better. and that you are on a new path.
While change isn’t always easy, the butterfly’s joyful yellow wings are a reminder that you are growing into a better person … it’s a sign that your life is about to shift in the direction you’re supposed to be going in.”
I am profoundly grateful for my friendships – and how they can carry us through and lift us up. To all of you out there that have impacted my life – I am still here with enthusiasm, purpose, and new horizons before me.
I might define friendships that endure through the years as those yellow butterflies – encouraging you to rise – and honor the blessings of the distance you have travelled – the lives that have touched you and the lives you have touched. It’s wonder-full.
To all my heart-prints friends near and far – here and in other realms – I shall continue to soar because of you!
Look at Kahlil Gibran’s Prose on Friendship – in this beautiful reading by Simerjeet Singh:
I am offering a brief prose with the focus on our Awakening – individually and collectively and the importance of the energy vibration we bring daily as we awaken and enter our day. It’s our Accountability individually and collectively for what we give to the evolution of all humanity.
Every morning let your energy be an enthused awakening with your first focus on Gratitude. Prioritize time for quietude and soulful reading and exercise.
Remember – though it may be a thimble full – the vibration you bring does contribute to the world consciousness. May I carry the charge to Awaken to what I bring with every step I take into this day and wherever I go. May those I encounter feel better because I crossed their path.
Our world is crying out to Awaken – let that be my soul and sole purpose – my own Awakening! Below is a Prayer for our Times!
May I/We Awaken!
I open my mind – that I might see. Truth that will liberate and free, With an open heart ready to be, A part of a new world story Believing we all belong There are no “others” we are One. Silence of the past is not the path, Nor shame or guilt for anyone, Nor ongoing seeds of hatred, Rather, opening to what is sacred.
Accountability for what we carry forward.
Awakening so – Future generations behold a new dawn. Where ongoing ignorance and prejudice is gone. Where equity, compassion, are for all. Building bridges not walls. May I own my part through the seeds I plant. That heart-to-heart I may implant. I want for you what I want for me – Simply, purely, the right to exist, to be free. And discover the true meaning of liberty. As we travel together, we all might see, The wonder and beauty in you and me, In that remembrance we all have a right to be! May I/We Awaken!