Go Deeper – Do the Inner Work to Behold Joy!

underwater ocean grotto

I have maintained the inner child – where Joy resides and know that I also created a wounded child that took on the intensity of my sense of identity and value.

I took on the guilt of a struggle with my own sexual identity and feeling literally “a despicable abhorrent specimen of humanity.” That condemnation was rooted in shame that never belonged to me and was rooted in the world consciousness and fundamentalist religion. That shame led me into incredibly dark places that I have shared in my previous writings.

In my early twenties I stepped out of traditional church completely because it never made sense to me that I would enter a place of worship and come out feeling worse than I entered because of what I heard.

I had studied Eastern teachings, the works of the great Mystics, and the writings of Edgar Cayce.

When I came upon the teachings of Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes, I knew I found a place of reason and my spiritual home.

There is a song we are each are here to experience as a soul that defines our own sacred and unique being. That song can be as simple and pure as loving what you do and valuing the gifts and talents within you. When you are expressing the authenticity of your soul – Joy is very much present.

See my blog on Baby Thing – a starling who had a song to sing!

I made the decision at 26 to study for the ministry. I knew this was a soul calling, however, I was entering for all the wrong reasons. I felt that perhaps if I did enough good for others somehow, I could make up for the self-loathing and condemnation I held inside myself.

I have recently opened to go deeper into my healing journey. Healing is ongoing and it is about vulnerability and willingness to see things with new perspective. With all the deep work I have done through decades of reminding others to accept and find enduring beauty and regard within themselves, it’s only been in my recent commitment for personal professional counsel and specifically EMDR therapy that my deepest healing and insight has taken hold.

We have come far from the psychological counsel available 60+ years ago. There are greater insights that have taken place and profound healing modalities to which we can open.

I will be sharing the healing revelations that are coming through as I process them more fully. It’s so wonder-full to realize I am honoring my own self-healing more than ever. That is what Mind Your Own Becoming is all about! Honor that you are worth investing in that deeper awareness that can bring a feeling of Joy and purpose richer than you have ever known!

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

Non-Duality – The Path to JOY

Non-Duality - The Path to Joy

Our Mind Your Own Becoming theme for August is: “Rekindling Joy.”

I offer my thoughts from my soul journey with JOY in this hour of my life.

Keep it Simple: It’s Remembrance – “Going back to the realization, however, we define Creation – everything that has come into being is through that One Source. I call it Originating Cause. Thomas Troward, the great metaphysician coming into the 20th Century, defined the essence of that Originating Cause as: Life, Love, Light, Power, Peace, Beauty, and Joy.

What keeps us bound to the illusion and ultimate delusion of duality is the belief in “others,” and that I am a separate entity from everyone and everything else. When I return to the Source all — it’s only One!

This life journey certainly contains the experience of the opposites to those 7 elements. However, the root of all our Being is the quest to remember – we are here for ultimate JOY – not despair. I share the stirring words of Kahlil Gibran on his prose of Joy and Sorrow – from The Prophet.

I am saying farewell to the Big Sky Retreat that has been an integral part of my life and my spiritual soul anchor for 48 years. There is deep grief in releasing the love, laughter, tears, and remembrance of countless “Transcendent Moments” – see my blogs on Transcendental Love.

The reality of what I carry forward is Love and JOY, I share this segment on Peace by Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science and prolific author. Breathe it in. Yes – as humankind we live in a world of duality and multi-beliefs that keep us apart. Yet – when I step back – breathe in – and “Be Still” I create the space for remembrance of Oneness, and I am at Peace. May we all practice Oneness – and find our inner Peace that is the doorway to JOY?


At the center of my being is Peace –
the Peace that is felt in the coolness of early evening after all have turned from their labor
and the first star shines in the soft light of the sky.

There is a freshness, a vitality, a power underlying this, Peace.
It broods over the earth quietly, tenderly, as a mother
watches over her sleeping child.

In this Peace that holds me so gently I feel strength and protection from fear and anxiety. It is the Peace of God, and within it I feel the Love of a Holy Presence.

As I become more conscious of this Love, all fear slips away as mist fades in the morning sunshine. I am one with deep abiding Peace.

I know that all is well.
I permit this Peace to flow through my entire being,
through my mind and heart until every problem is released.
The way is made clear before me.
It is filled with joy and harmony.

I AM Life
I AM Love,
I AM Light,
I AM Power,
I AM Peace,
I AM Beauty,
I AM Joy*
I AM vitality and strength and all good. 

 Written by Dr. Ernest Holmes in 1950

*Note added all 7 elements of Spirit from Thomas Troward’s
“The Creative Process in The Individual”

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.

A Rescue Dog “Gus” – A Gift of Angels


40 Years Without a Pet and Angels Brought Gus into My Life

In my move from Florida to Montana – 3 Years ago – little did I know that I would wind up having shared custody of a recue dog named “Gus” – sometimes called “Gussy.” Gussy was a rescue dog and when his full owner first took him in he was a very sick little soul.

I had connected with the Helena Church for Conscious Living months before I made my cross-country trip, working with their Board of Directors. I was originally feeling I would be in Bozeman, but destiny brought me to a beautiful cabin in the mountains of Clancy – 9 miles outside of Helena, owned by the President of the Board, Deb. She had a basement apartment, and I thought I’d be looking for a place in Helena, she offered that I might stay for a week or so in the apartment until I found a place. I’m now here 3 years.

My Arrival at “Graceland in Clancy”

Arriving at the beautiful grounds of this cabin, I have come to call “Graceland at Clancy” was another beautiful friend, Rosie, I had met, through my online work on the board. Deb was in town at an appointment. As I drove around the bend to the property, Rosie and Gus were on the front sundeck.

An image I shall always see as “ethereal” was Rosie floating down the stairs to greet me and Gus charging down barking and letting me know he was responsible for assuring strangers were checked out before having the okay to be there.

There was an immediate bonding – I was “okay.” The past 3 years – with loving consent from Deb – I take Gus for his early morning walks, he joins me in the mornings, and I bring him up for lunch and sometimes have him in the afternoons when Deb goes into town. There’’s at least 3 walks at day – mornring, noon and around 4pm – when I go out to give “Winnie” the horse her treats, who lives on the large acreage of the property.

Gus has given me the wonder of reconnecting with all my pets and realizing how profoundly they have impacted my life. I have held Gus and felt the soul bonding we have together.

As I created my living space as my own, which does not feel like I am in a basement as there is a picture window in the bedroom that looks out upon the moutnains, one of the first thing Gus noticed was my stuffed ducks. Of course, he claimed them as his. I also have a large stuffed Goofy – and he takes hold of Goofy every now and then when very excited.

Gus and I meditate together in late spring through early fall as we sit just behind my bedroom window and look out onto the magnificent landscape.

We get down on the floor and do deep snuggling and look into each other’s eyes. I know – maybe a bit too much for some – but not for us.

I have felt I could call upon all my pets and their love is upon me in those moments.

What a blessing the angels have brought to me through Gus. Gus also serves to host any guests that visit me here and he is an extraordinary and gracious host to all. Of course, there is an initial sniffing to assure their approval.

Two More Beloved Friendships

I have bonded also with Deb’s cat “Tavi” who always comes to me when I am visiting Deb and lets me hold her and listen to her purring, letting me know – she matters too and loves me.

There is also “Winnie” the horse – that I have a sacred relationship with. Her owners ask me to care for Winnie when they are gone. Winnie and I have amazing talks and I have won her love and trust. Winnie and Gus also have a beautiful mutually loving acknowledgment of one another.

May we cherish the animal kingdom and their messages to us. If we listened more to them, we would be a more compassionate humanity together.

Monthly Theme and Weekly Speakers.

Every month, we take the Key Principles of MYOB and put them into practice in our lives. Looking at the deeper call before us — What are we each to “Be” to bring about societal change through our soul evolution in ways that establish justice, love, and care for all – without exception. Please join us weekly on Thursdays at 7 p.m. EDT for our virtual program.